
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Bonus: NBA - East Preview
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
B, Bell, and Nick give you a little extra this week by breakdowning the Eastern Conference playoff draw... and arguing a lot.
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Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Nick Doesn't Give A Puck!
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
(00:00) How about a another cocktail just in time for Thirsty Thursday? Bell hit's you with the Drink of the Week before the show even gets started (01:54) Sports are finally back in our life and the NHL is leading the charge. B couldn't be happier, but not everyone's on board with it! Nick breaks down why the NHL won't be getting his support anytime soon and why he things they don't deserve yours either! (26:22) Swish baby it's time to talk hoops and the one thing we thought we'd never see... playoff basketball!
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Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Extended Interview - Lindsay from Capital K Distillery
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Lindsay Gillanders of Capital K Distillery in Winnipeg joins Nick and Bell for a boozy conversation. Lindsay shares her insights into the struggles of smaller distilleries, tries to pick her favourtire Capital K bottle, and runs the Gauntlet! And did I mention Keanu Reeves makes and appearance?!?.... in name only...
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Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Extended Interview -Kurt Maitland - The Whiskey Expert - pt 2
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Sake Bomb! Welcome to part two of our whiskey filled interview with Kurt Maitland. This time the guys open things up with a little sake talk before Kurt explains the cost of whiskey, covers some alternatives, and shares some companies owned by people of color that you definitely should be trying!
If you liked any part of this episode please tell a friend and check out Kurt's book on amazon Drink, the ultimate cocktail book.
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Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Extended Interview - Kurt Maitland - The Whiskey Expert - pt 1
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Big shout out to the Gaining MOM-entum podcast (go check them out!) that provided the booze for the cocktail of the week! Bell tells you what's in it and why they chose it before hopping into part one of a whiskey soaked interview (02:51) Kurt Maitland is one of the fortunate few that has been able to transform his passion into a career. Kurt's love for various spirits have led him to becoming a published author and a top tier taster and reviewer. Though variety may be the spice of life, whiskey holds the highest place in his heart and he is here to share a wealth of knowledge for all you lovers of whiskey, scotch and bourbon.
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Thursday Jul 23, 2020
A Peak Behind the Curtain
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
B is out on holidays so Nick and Bell give you a quick and dirty bonus episode! (00:19) This week's "Thirst World Problem" has the guys helping you (trying to) impress your date with your drink order. (9:45) Nick and Bell finally sit down and address some of the issues listeners have been having with the show.

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Relationship Advice on the Rocks
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
(00:00) Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Bell breakdowns the cocktail of the week (01:31) This week's "Thirst World Problem" has the guys discussing ways to cut back instead of kicking back drinks this summer. (5:55) Nick's having a good day and kicks off the sports segment by cheering on Man U and talking transactions. Then the guys get into discussing where Lemelo Ball will end up and what to make of the whole NBA jersey message fiasco (25:40) It's a Thirsty Q&A centered around race, politics and relationships so who better to answer it than B, Bell, and Nick? #everybody
If you liked any part of this episode tell a friend to get on it!
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Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Extended Interview - Greg Staffa: Movie Critic Extraordinaire
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Another week, another delicious cocktail! Bell breaks down the delicious Manhattan Mule before hopping into one of the most inspirational interviews to date on Thirst World Problems. (01:27) Greg Staffa is a movie critic with a unique perspective on life. This man has faced adversity in many forms throughout his life and even endured years of homelessness. A television show would be the catalyst for him to regain some of what he lost. Greg has a story straight out of the movies and one you won't want to miss!
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Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Don't be a Karen or a Kanye!
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
(00:00) It's sophisticated yet simple. It's sexy, yet refined. It's the cocktail of the week and Bell gives you quick breakdown before the episode begins.(01:35) Tired of Vodka? The guys help you drink better by solving yet another Thirst World Problem. (7:59) What is the NFL doing now? The guys discuss the NFL's decision to play the Black National Anthem before Week 1 games. (31:16) It’s time to get weird with an animal themed Friction question! (wtf?) (29:45) Have you or someone you love been called a Karen? The guys discuss whether or not this is racist. (40:00) One word - Kanye
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Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Rewriting History Starting With Gandhi
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
(00:00) Before the episode even kicks off Bell breaks down our cocktail of the week and right on time for summer. (01:13) The guys are here to help you drink better by helping you solve your Thirst World Problems. This week the guys discuss the best way to ease your way into enjoying a nice glass of scotch. (5:24) Nick has been working on a social justice project of his own for the last couple of weeks. He shares why he is behind a petition to remove the Gandhi statue in his hometown of Winnipeg and some of the responses he's gotten by doing so. (21:31) Sports is slowly creeping back into our lives and that means Belichick is already five steps ahead of the competiton! The guys talk about Cam Newton's second act. (31:24) Next on the list is how the NBA players will survive in the bubble. (41:46) They close it off by taking a look at the raptors schedule.
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Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com