
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
May I Have This Dance?
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
(00:36)Bell kicks things off by taking an interesting stand and defending celebrities right to complain! Either this quarantine life is getting him or he's gone full Timberlake fanboy! (8:56) The infamous Nick Duggal is back at it and shares his latest trolling story with you and the guys. Hopefully, there's no "Swifties" in the audience... (13:28) The guys then discuss some new found interests that take them out of their comfort zone. (19:57) B hits you with an update to a story he told about a family member's experience at the liquor store. The conversation then turns to other things that make the guys blood boil and Trump's handling of this whole Covid-19 thing seems to be high on their list. (32.40) Lastly, and certainly not least the guys get into talking about the Last Dance and the greatness that is Micheal "Air" Jordan! This episode has something for everyone and everything for someone so come enjoy the conversation on Thirst World Problems!
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Thursday Apr 16, 2020
The Quarantine 15
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
(00:18) The episode begins with Nick feeling the effects of the quarantine snack life and transitions into a conversation about what services are actually essential even on Good Friday (22:35) The guys discuss what could be the next steps for the NBA and the other major sports leagues. (36:36) Just because you're stuck at home doesn't mean you can avoid awkward situations. The guys deliver a brand new Friction scenario right to your doorstep! Don't worry they didn't touch it. Sit back, relax, and come join the conversation on Thirst World Problems.
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Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Bonus - Bhag & Nick featured on The Dime!
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Josh Rodriguez the host of The Dime podcast invited Nick and Bhag to not only represent Thirst World Problems, but to come on his show and represent Canada! These guys held it down and proved why the Raptors should be recognized as the NBA Champions again this season! Amen! Enjoy the episode and make sure you check out The Dime on a regular basis.
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Friday Apr 10, 2020
All Riled Up!
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
(00:18) The episode begins with Bell's blood boiling and him rearing to hop right into what we'll call a spirited discussion... (7:40) B share's a story about the covid fallout hitting close to home. (17:38) B's on the prowl looking for a replacement to sports and getting desperate. But just how desperate is too desperate? Find out next! (40:20) Everybody knows when a rooster crows a rooster crows! The guys have fun with a timer, a rooster, and one of their newest segments!
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Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Extended Interview - Bups Saggu - pt 2
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
The conclusion to our interview with Bups Saggu! We get into Bollywood controversies, self-confidence and then then the guys throw Bups through the Gauntlet with a slew of parting questions. Hope you enjoy part 2 of the interview and you'll be able to WATCH the whole thing on thirstworldproblems.ca
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Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Friday Apr 03, 2020
Extended Interview - Bups Saggu - Part 1
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
This week the guys pull out some new tricks as they bring you their first ever video podcast! To kick off this new chapter the guys are joined by the one and only Bups Saggu! This man has crushed the music scene from every angle. He's a DJ, a producer, and a renowned musical artist with too many hits to list! You've heard the name, now come meet the man! Bups shares his story and his insights on the Asian music scene, and did we mention he's a bigtime cinephile? This is an episode you won't want to miss! Enjoy

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
The guys recorded this one using Zoom with every intention of putting it out on their Youtube Channel. Let's just say that these guys have faces for radio and that video will have to wait until they can find a brave make up artist. (00:18) The episode begins with Nick throwing the boys an interesting expansion question before the guys reach into the mailbag for another Thirsty Q&A. The guys love your questions so please keep sending them in! (17:40) The guys test out a new segment where instead of causing problems they discuss them and try and solve them. This episode they discuss whether or not the airlines deserve to be bailed out...and maybe get a little bit sidetracked, but that's where the fun is! (32:36) B calls him the greatest of all time, Bell can't stand mentioning his name, Nick loves to stir it up and that's why he made this segment all about Tom Brady and what we all have to look forward to this coming season.
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Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Monday Mar 23, 2020
Before They Knew...
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
The guys recorded this episode right before things made the switch locally from problem to pandemic. Armed with what we've learned some parts of this episode may be a little cringe worthy, but they also serve as a good spot to education ourselves and others, as all the guys would attest to.
(00:18)The episode begins with Bell opening the Covid discussion by showing how life often imitates art and the guys all share their initial thoughts on the Covid-19 situation. (14:23) B gets emotional as he adjust to life with no sports. (29:16) The guys react to the news that the virus is hitting close to home and affecting our highest level of government. (37:53) For the first time this season the boys unleash a brand new MPR! Enjoy the power rankings, enjoy the episode and stay safe! Now grab yourself a beverage and come join the conversation on Thirst World Problems
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Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Extended Interview - Nora Wendel
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Ladies and gentlemen, just because Valentine's over that's no excuse to take your foot of the gas! The guys of Thirst World Problems are joined by relationship expert, women empowerer, and just genuinely wonderful person Nora Wendel to talk relationships, confidence, birthdays and Bali. This was a fun conversation and one that proves you never know what to expect with these guys! Hope you enjoy!
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Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Friday Mar 06, 2020
Book Life!
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
(0:44) The say hard works pays off, but they also say even fools can get lucky. Either way, the guys are happy to announce that they've been nominated for an award! They thank you for your support and now they want you to get out and vote! (06:45) To spend or not to spend, that is the question and apparently it's not a simple one as the guys debate what's worth spending their money on and how quickly to spend it! (18:45) The guys close out the episode with a reverse Thirsty Q&A! Wait, what? That's right, new segment alert! Enjoy the episode and come join the conversation at thirstworldproblems.ca
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Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com