
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
The guys of Thirst World Problems are big basketball fans and are always willing to share their thoughts and opinions on anything affecting the NBA or the sport in general. The passing of Kobe Bryant and his subsequent memorial has had a seismic impact on the sport and the guys weigh in by sharing their initial Kobe conversation with you. So come join the conversation on Thirst World Problems! We hope you enjoy.
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Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
For Three!
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
(01:21) Bell starts the season off by thanking all past listeners and breaking down what to expect for new listeners! Or like B, would say "Bell rants about podcasting... again" (06:42) Nick comes to guys with a question regarding their ultimate meal! Food is discuss and crazed! (18:20) As things pick up on the hardwood the guys throw in their two cents regarding the recent NBA trade deadline. (37:26) The boys close the episode by talking about a Friction question that played out in real life when a teenage girl found a bag full of money out in Ontario!
Subscribe for FREE and leave us a cool review, then follow us on Twitter and IG @thirstworldpod... What too much?
Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Best of: Loyalty Blows...Literally!
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
The guys are closing out their "Best of" series and they're ending it with a good one! The guys get a little introspective when B ask the group a great question about the affects of childhood. After that the guys interview a show favorite, Belinda Bowman, to talk drinks, and close it out with an always interesting power ranking. Enjoy the episode and get ready for season 3!
Subscribe now and leave us a cool review, then follow us on Twitter and IG @thirstworldpod... What too much?
Have a great idea for a topic or want to be a guest on the show? Get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Best of: Nick's Terrible Idea
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
The guys are only a few sips away from launching season 3, but before they do they need to share "Nick's Terrible Idea". Nick has a bunch of ideas and he doesn't mind sharing them, even when he shouldn't! The one in this episode left Bell flabbergasted (do people still say flabbergasted?) and he let Nick have it. Anyways, we won't ruin the idea, we'll let you discover the crazy on your own. The guys also get into a Thirsty Q&A, talk R. Kelly, drinking and driving and leave you with a Power Ranking that somehow involves Wakanda. So come join the conversation and enjoy!
Subscribe now and leave us a cool review, then follow us on Twitter and IG @thirstworldpod... What too much?
Have a great idea for a topic or want to be a guest on the show? Get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Best of: Take that Blanket Off and Buy a Damn Car!
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
The guys may still be working on the new season, but they still wanted to share a classic episode with you. In "Take That Blanket Off and Buy a Damn Car!" The guys talk about what would qualify to be on a classic rap station, Nick takes twitter beefs to the next level, and Bell goes on rant about people being too comfy in public.
Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Best of: Your Blackcard Has Been Revoked!
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
The guys are in the studio working on season 3, but they're not leaving you empty handed. The guys are sharing one of their favorite episodes with you. In "Your Blackcard Has Been Revoked!" The guys talk about what it would take to give up watching the NFL, whether it would be better to be famous or or respected in your field and cap off the episode by getting into an interesting Friction.
Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Is supporting Trump Worth A Billion Downloads?
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
(01:07) Holidays are over and the boys are back in studio and starting the year off by sharing their holiday pet peeves. (06:56) Bell and Nick discuss their highlights of 2019 and the difference between placebo and placentas? These guys...(19:22) Nick looks Bell dead in the eyes and asks him one of the most soul searching questions EVER on the podcasts! (22:46) The boys close the episode by talking about the new Kevin Hart documentary and what the future holds for the Thirst World Problem podcast.
Subscribe for FREE and leave us a cool review, then follow us on Twitter and IG @thirstworldpod... What too much?
Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
A Freaking Christmas Card?
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
(00:18) The guys get into the holiday mood by breaking down their hopes and dreams for the new year. Each of the boys hits you with a podcast and life goal of theirs for the new year. (14:50) In true holiday spirit Nick (Thirst World Problems resident Scrooge) complains about his family and friends sending him Christmas cards which Bell (Thirst World Problems resident wacko) interrupts (19:20) to complain about how Google is tracking EVERYONE...ALWAYS and then back into the holiday mess! Enjoy the episode and Happy Holidays everyone!
Subscribe for FREE and leave us a cool review, then follow us on Twitter and IG @thirstworldpod... What too much?
Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Back in the Day
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Not only is it Thirsty Thursday, but it's also Throwback Thursday and that's exactly what the guys are giving you! Do you remember episodes like the "Great Whiskey debate", "Stay Warm and Keep Laughing" or "Pink Taco Tuesday"? Well you should! That's why the guys are bringing you some of their favourite segments from those now classic episodes (if they do say so themselves lol) So, sit back, relax, and join the conversation on Thirst World Problems!
Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Back of the Line, My Brotha!
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Have you ever notice how there's no such thing as simple trip to Costco? The guys sit down and discuss how it's not always cut and dry where your loyalties should lie in a multicultural country and how different generations can have very different viewpoints on the situation. If that's a little too heavy for you don't worry you know the guys are going to sprinkle in that classic Thirst World Problems humor. You won't believe Nick's ridiculous shopping list, Bell certainly didn't!
Have a great idea for a topic or story you want to share with us? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Leave us a voicemail at www.thirstworldproblems.ca or get at us at thirstworldpod@gmail.com